New Extended Glossary


Hi folks,

The SAFe glossary provides a set of definitions for all the SAFe Big Picture elements. In so doing, it provides a clear taxonomy of these primary SAFe elements. Each term is defined in the context of SAFe, so even common terms are described for clarity within a SAFe specific context.

However, as SAFe adoptions grow across different parts of the business and across the globe, our community has asked for clarity on additional terms used in SAFe.  Some of these terms (e.g. PO Sync, Lean Business Case) are unique to SAFe but do not appear on the Big Picture. Other terms are commonly used in Lean, Agile, and DevOps conversations but may have a more specific meaning in the SAFe context (e.g., batch size, MVP).

To increase clarity and understanding, we’ve now provided a set of 85 new extended glossary terms. You can toggle them on and off from the current glossary page.  All the extended terms are available in English now, and we will post language translations as they become available.

Check it out here.


Author Info

Harry Koehnemann

comment (6)

  1. Renee Emery

    18 May 2021 - 1:18 pm

    The definition of “Vision” in the glossary speaks to Capabilities and Features, yet the practice question picks two other answers to be the correct answers, when Capabilities and Features is a choice.

    • Steve Mayner

      19 May 2021 - 12:21 pm

      Hi Renee! We don’t address exam questions in blog posts as a general rule. If you feel an exam question (practice or otherwise) is in error please feel free to log a ticket with and it will be forwarded to our exam and certification team for review.

      Thanks for the response!

  2. Terje Hansen

    11 May 2021 - 6:49 am

    Jeg har deltatt på SAFe-kurs, og ønsker å bruke ordlista til forberedelse til sertifiseringsprøven.
    Jeg begynte å bruke den norske versjonen, men fant ut at den er ubrukelig. Den er tydeligvis laget ved hjelp av et eldre oversettelsesprogram, og er ikke utsatt for korrektur. Den norske versjonen er så dårlig at den gjør mer skade enn gagn, og bør trekkes fra visning. Den vitner ikke om seriøsitet.
    Jeg ønsker derfor å bruke den engelske versjonen av ordlista, men jeg får ikke endret fra norsk til engelsk. Har dette å gjøre med samspillet med nettleseren? Jeg får nemlig opp engelsk versjon på en annen pc med Firefox. Denne kan jeg derimot ikke bruke i jobbsammenheng.

    Terje Hansen

    • Steve Mayner

      19 May 2021 - 12:31 pm

      Takk Terje. Vi vil gi denne informasjonen til teamet vårt som jobber med oversettelser.

  3. Stefan Heublein

    04 May 2021 - 6:20 am

    Thank you for the extended glossary.

    I still miss the Subject Matter Expert (SME) who is mentioned in some articles, but is not in the glossary.

    Kind regards

    • Harry Koehnemann

      13 May 2021 - 7:50 am

      Thanks fopr the input Stefan. We will take that term into consideration for the next update.

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