SAFe Beyond IT
The SAFe Beyond IT home page provides access to articles about real-world business agility experiences in Operational Value Streams. Contributed and written by SAFe professionals, they describe their successes and challenges in extending Lean, Agile, and SAFe practices to Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Legal, Operations, and other functions beyond IT.
Agile Risk Management
By Rebecca Davis
Regulatory organizations wishing to increase the engagement of their employees while increasing the value of the products they create can utilize Scaled Agile values and competencies to meet their blend of business goals.Embracing SAFe© in Finance to become a Data-Driven Company
By Hao Li
This report summarizes a 5-year journey of transforming finance by adapting lean-agile principles of the Scaled Agile Framework to achieve sustainable business agility at scale.Launching an Enterprise Agile Transformation at a Large Insurance Company
By Joseph Barjis
This article is a SAFe implementation story at a large insurance company that evolved from an IT to a business initiative.Talent Enablement Guide for a SAFe© Organization in FinTech
By Fabiola Eyholzer & Michael Stump
This article concerns a FinTech company and its dedicated leaders who started their SAFe transformation by putting people first.The Right Degree at the Right Time
By Adam Mattis
Developing degree programs and courses have remained unchanged for hundreds of years. For one education consortium, SAFe was the edge they needed to thrive in the digital age.Unleashing Marketing’s Potential: Experiences Of An Agile Marketing Train Inside a Corporate Marketing Organization
By Yuval Yeret
This experience report outlines the Agile journey of a Corporate Marketing group in a significant enterprise software technology vendor.Running the Transformation Using a SAFe© Agile Release Train
By Glenn Smith & Charlie Fleet
This article outlines how we brought numerous non-IT functions together to work in an Agile way and deliver the transformation, using the SAFe Agile Release Train (ART) construct to run the transformation.About Community Contributions
Author contributions are limited to 2,000 words. Submissions are subject to editorial review and express the experiences and opinions of the authors. These reports may contain concepts, practices, and roles not currently part of the SAFe Knowledge Base.
Last update: 21 September 2022