Monthly Archives for November 2022

Updated Metrics Article: Measuring Outcomes and Flow
The Metrics article describes a simple yet comprehensive measurement model for business agility defined along three domains: Outcomes, Flow and Competency. Within each measurement domain, the article offers example metrics that can be applied at each level of the Framework. However, these examples were never meant to be exhaustive, and the model is designed to be extensible with other outcome, flow, and competency metrics supplemented by SAFe Enterprises, who know their business best. Some of.

Pains and Gains of Leadership in the Digital Age—Dean’s DevOps Enterprise Summit Presentation
In a world full of conferences, there are many worthwhile, but only a handful I consider ‘must-attend.’ On that list is the DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES), sponsored by IT Revolution and held in Las Vegas last week. This year, I was honored to be invited to present a plenary session. As I considered my topic, I thought about what this event stands for and how I might provide something useful to this particular audience at.