New Big Picture Glossary and Translation Features
Hi folks.
I wanted to inform everyone that we have just released new Big Picture Glossary functionality with integrated translations. While the Glossary terms themselves have not changed, we now have better translations created by native language translators with SAFe experience. All new translations are on the site except German, which should be up in a few months.
We also changed the way we manage glossary items and their translations. Formerly, users would download a PDF document to view a glossary translation. Now, users can view the translation directly in the browser through a language selection on the glossary page, and print them on letter (8-1/2 x 11) and A4 formats.
This work is part of our ongoing DevOps initiative, adding automation at every step possible. This particular feature was also driven by our customer’s requests to start translating more of SAFe for our non-native English speaking users. Glossary items and their translations are now stored in a versioned repository and served directly to the web pages on demand. This eliminates our manual translation and PDF document creation process and helps automate future updates and translations.
You can check out the new glossaries here.
Enjoy. And stay SAFe!
Jens Greiner
Harry, thanks for the update. Great to have the translations right on the website.
But why does it take “a few months” to add the German version? How could we help with that specific translation to get it faster?
Harry Koehnemann
Hi Jens. Thanks for the comment. These translations are driven by our community. The German translation team didn’t form until late December. They are targeting a March completion. So check back in a few weeks.
All the best,