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New Advanced Topic Article – Organizing Teams and ARTs: Team Topologies at Scale

Category Archives for : SAFe Updates

New Advanced Topic Article – Organizing Teams and ARTs: Team Topologies at Scale

SAFe Updates

SAFe principle #10, Organize Around Value describes how traditional organizational structures and hierarchies make it difficult to deliver value to customers. This principle shows how reinstating a more flexible, network operating system organizes development around value streams. Each value stream is dedicated to delivering a continuous flow of value via specific solutions to specific customers. This new structure gives the enterprise the ability to respond to new market opportunities more quickly with innovative technical and.

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GAO Agile Audit Guide Draft Released

SAFe Updates

This week, the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) released the exposure draft of “The GAO Agile Assessment Guide: Best Practices for Agile Adoption and Implementation” (https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-20-590G) and will be accepting comments about it from the public starting on September 28, 2020, until September 27, 2021. This guide will be used by federal auditors to evaluate government programs that are using Agile methods. The GAO also released a Science & Technology spotlight report that highlights the.

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Updates to Lean Portfolio Management Competency and WSJF articles

SAFe Updates

Hi folks, We have recently made some updates to SAFe Lean Portfolio Management, and we are committed to keeping you updated as the Framework evolves.  Below are some highlights of the recent changes: LPM Competency article: The guidance for all ‘LPM Events’ has been moved to the article’s end, improving readability. Each event’s descriptions were improved, including adding two new graphics. The first figure below (Figure 1) illustrates the cadence of the three LPM events..

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Sometimes Agility Requires an Act of Congress

Sometimes Agility Requires an Act of Congress

SAFe Updates

Hi Folks, It is an exciting time for the Agile community as Congress considers provisions that would encourage broad adoption of Lean-Agile ways of working within the US Department of Defense (DoD). The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – a set of laws specifying how the annual DoD budget is allocated – has been revised for 2021 and is currently under review by the Senate after having been approved by the House of Representatives. Section.

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Accelerating Business Value with SAFe 5.0 and Technology Business Management White Paper

SAFe Updates

Hi folks, We are pleased to announce the release of an update to the white paper ‘Accelerating Business Value with SAFe and TBM.’  This updated white paper has the latest TBM and SAFe content. Why TBM? As organizations learn how to increase business and technical agility with SAFe, they also face another significant challenge—how to manage the massive increase in technology spending that now exemplifies most companies. Moreover, many IT organizations do not have full.

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Please join us at the 2020 Global SAFe Summit

SAFe Updates

Hello everyone, I’d like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to join us for the upcoming 2020 Global SAFe Summit, October 27-28, 2020. This year’s Summit may be virtual, but I can assure you that that the advanced technical content is real. We have about sixty (yes 60) industry-leading speakers, including many SAFe Fellows addressing topics including: DevSecOps and technical agility Agile product delivery and customer-centricity Enterprise solution delivery Lean portfolio management Organizational.

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SAFe Distilled 5.0 – Back to Learning Sale

SAFe Updates

Hi folks: We recently released our new book SAFe Distilled 5.0: Achieving Business Agility with the Scaled Agile Framework. This is our most concise version yet, while still comprehensive! A great read for everyone involved with a SAFe transformation. Executives will appreciate the clear and proven direction for achieving Business Agility. SPCs will maximize their understanding of the framework to drive more impactful change. And team members will gain a practical understanding of how to.

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Updates to Lean Portfolio Management

SAFe Updates

Hi folks, We’ve made some recent updates to Lean Portfolio Management (LPM), an area of the Framework that has been quickly evolving over the past few releases of SAFe. It has become a very popular competency for enterprises who wish to improve their Business Agility and accelerate their digital transformation. It should be no surprise that we continuously improve our framework articles in between releases of the Big Picture. We are architected for continuous delivery.

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COVID-19 is Redefining Face-to-Face Communication: Updated Framework Guidance

SAFe Updates

Hi Folks, Collaboration is at the heart of Agile, and we’ve all experienced the benefits of face-to-face conversation as the best means of conveying information. In SAFe we take this to the next level with PI Planning, a face-to-face event for all members of the ART to align to a shared mission and vision. In recent months, however, COVID-19 has forced many organizations to change the ways they work, and this has impacted how Agile.

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Addressing Portfolio WIP – new guidance

Advanced Topic SAFe Updates

Special note: This blog post is a guest contribution from Eric Willeke, Principal Contributor and SAFe Fellow, and Principal at Elevate.to. —Dean ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello! The portfolio level of SAFe has evolved quite a bit in the last few years. In 4.5 we began introducing new constructs for strategic flow in the portfolio level, and made those connections visually in the 4.6 big picture alongside introducing the Lean Portfolio Management competency. In 5.0 the portfolio management.

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