Enabling technical agility: New Agile Software Engineering landing page
As you know, Built-in Quality is one of SAFe’s four core values. Without it, ‘scaling Agile’ by any means is a house of cards with no true agile foundation that will fall the first time users put weight on our big, new, important system. That’s why SAFe provides significant guidance around the current and evolving technical software engineering practices.
One element of that is Ken Pugh’s Video Blog series on Agile Software Engineering. In it, Ken shows how thinking test-first, achieving flow, and realizing a balanced test portfolio makes software easier to understand, faster to modify, and more reliable to deliver. He then describes the software engineering best practices that help achieve these goals including Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), scenario modeling, design patterns, refactoring, coding practices, and many others. All of these practices support Built-in Quality, one of the SAFe Core Values, and many of them are further described in various SAFe articles. I think it’s fair to say that any group creating a continuous delivery pipeline that supports release on demand must learn and apply these practices to their context.
To coalesce all these great knowledge sources, we’ve just created a new landing page with references to the video blogs and the related SAFe articles. You can find that page in the Advanced Topics section of SAFe 5.0.
Stay SAFe,
—Harry and the Framework team
Pat Place
The software engineering landing page looks really good. The links that I’ve tried , though, are all broken – or, more accurately, they lead to an error page at force.com about unauthorized access. This reduces the value of the landing page
Andrew Sales
Hi Pat,
Many thanks for letting us know. These links have now been fixed.