Let’s talk about business agility—and a lot more—at Agile 2019
In just over two weeks, many of us at Scaled Agile are headed to Washington, D.C. to engage with the community at Agile 2019. This year’s theme revolves around applying Agile knowledge to boost business value and efficiency. I’d like to personally invite you to visit us at the Scaled Agile booth and attend our presentations on a variety of topics that explore some of the most pressing issues facing today’s enterprise.
Here’s a link to this year’s Agile 2019 program and specifics about what the Scaled Agile team is presenting and when:
- Dean Leffingwell – The Road to Real Business Agility, Monday, August 5, 2:00 p.m. I’ll be speaking about what business agility really means and how to get there.
- Lieschen Gargano and William Kammersell – Thing Three: The power of peer coaching, Monday, August 5, 3:45 p.m. Two of our Agile coaches explore how to make peer coaching stick.
- Richard Knaster – From Projects to Products: Aligning strategy with execution, Tuesday, August 6, 10:45 a.m. Richard will discuss the important project-to-product shift that organizations need to make to improve business outcomes.
- Luke Hohmann – Playing with Personas for Better Products, Wednesday, August 7, 3:45 p.m. Luke tackles the relationship between personas and decision-making aligned around a common purpose.
- Steve Mayner –The TBM Movement in Government—Friend or Foe to Agile Adoption, Thursday, August 8, 9:00 a.m. Steve examines the intersection of Lean-Agile, DevOps, and TBM investment in government agencies.
- Dean Leffingwell – Prioritizing Portfolio Investments, Thursday, August 8, 9:00 a.m. I’ll dive into how enterprises can prioritize portfolio investments to build the right things in the right order.
- Lieschen Gargano and William Kammersell – The Art of Agile Conflict, Thursday, August 8, 9:00 a.m. Learn how to welcome the conflict associated with highly collaborative, Agile environments.
- Luke Hohmann – Collaborative Frameworks for Portfolio Prioritization, Thursday, August 8, 10:45 a.m. Inspired by the Agile Manifesto value, “customer collaboration over contract negotiation,” Luke’s workshop presents a new approach to portfolio prioritization.
I look forward to seeing you at Agile 2019.
Stay SAFe,